Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) is a term used for a design that considers multiple impacts that a single design can have. Instead of designing with a single design objective, ESD philosophy employs advanced methods and tools to analyze the impacts that the design can have outside its narrow design objective.

Typically, ESD is offered as an extra service to the client. In today’s climate, ESD should no longer be offered as an added extra. Sigmatech always encourage our clients to include ESD services as an essential part of designing high performance buildings.

We specialise in the design of high performance buildings, that are efficient to operate, and meet the needs and well being of the occupants, while at the same time minimising their environmental and ecological impact. We employ a whole range of calculation tools to provide and proof design solutions, from a simple chart and spreadsheet to advanced high-performance computer simulation.

Our teams are involved in both new buildings and the renovation of existing buildings. For new buildings, our teams conduct design charrettes, create energy models, guide energy efficiency decisions and manage green building certifications. For existing buildings, they carry out energy audits and retro-commissioning to recommend improvements and show value to building owners.

Our services include:

  • Simulation-assisted MEP design

  • Simulations for green building certification (LEED / Greenship / Greenmark)

  • Comfort design for large spaces

  • Fire and smoke simulation

  • Evacuation and crowd simulation

  • Detailed airflow design using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation

  • Customized analysis

Thermal Comfort under Canopy – Knowledge Hub


Outdoor canopy has become an extreme source of overheating in Indonesia. This project analyzed the thermal condition of a plaza surrounded by multiple buildings (a). A CFD simulation was carried out to assess wind velocity under a certain scenario (b). The plaza with the canopy (c) was further analyzed in an energy simulation. The result (d) shows comfort condition based on air temperature and radiation temperature from the canopy.


LEED Simulation for Garment Factory (carried out by Ery Djunaedy previously)

This was a green building certification project for a garment factory in Central Java, Indonesia (a). The energy model was developed to include all equipments in the building and the solar PV (b). The energy simulation provides an insight into the thermal condition inside the factory building, where the WBGT can be maintained under the requirements (c).


Glare Analysis at Menara Kompas (carried out by Ery Djunaedy previously)


The design for Menara Kompas project includes the specification of the second skin and the thermal and visual properties of the glass. The result shows a view rendering based on four different second skin configuration and four different glasses. Some combination provides a very cool visual condition.

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