our company

PT. Sigmatech Tatakarsa

PT. Sigmatech Tatakarsa (ST), is an independent organization of consultants in the field of Mechanical & Electrical Services for Commercial Buildings such as apartment, hotel, office, shopping mall, High Performance Buildings such as hospital, telephone cellular technical building, data centre, airport, Industrial Services, and Infrastructures Services.

PT. ST is supported by Engineers who have experience working overseas (Australia & USA), in foreign consultants and also in well-known private consultant engineering companies in Jakarta.

We have services:

(Advance thermal comfort calculation, Airflow simulation using computational fluid dynamics (CFD), Building energy simulation for design optimization, Fire/smoke and emergency evacuation simulation & Life cycle cost analysis using detailed building energy calculation).


Continuous Improvement

Always strive to improve product performance and quality by implementing the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system

setting targets and controlling their achievements and providing encouragement to create effective implementation and continuous improvement.


Prioritizing Quality

Always produce products/services that provide satisfaction to customers by fulfilling customer requirements and other requirements referred to.

Employee Participation

Always try to improve employee competency and awareness of the importance of fulfilling customer satisfaction, so that they can participate actively and provide the best contribution to the company.

our vision

Becoming an M&E Consultant company that can improve the welfare of employees and stake holders.

our Mission

Become a reliable and profitable M&E Consultant company.

Legalization of Law

  • Establishment Notary (Akte Notaris)

    No. 14.- Ny. Siti Nurweni Darmono, SH

  • Legalization of Law (Pengesahan Kehakiman)

    No. C-10.946 HT 01.01. TH 2000

  • Alteration of Notary

    No. 2.- Fatma, SH., MKn., MH

  • Legalization of Law (Pengesahan Kehakiman)

    No. AHU-0003932.AH.01.02. TH 2022

  • Tax File Number (NPWP)

    01.945.578.1 -017.000

  • Construction Services License (SIUJK)

    No. 258/C.31.1/31.74/1/905622/-1.785.56/2018

  • Mechanical Grade Major (version UUCK 2020 and latest PP 2021) SBU (Sertifikat Badan Usaha)

    PB-UMKU No. 912010797066900030001

  • Industry Grade Minor (version UUCK 2020 and latest PP 2021) Company Registration

    No. 9120107970669 (NIB = TDP & Statement of Company Domicile)


    No. 11516/P/2340.DKI

  • Certificate of ISO 9001:2015

    QS 3369

  • Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII)


Company Information

  • Name

    PT. Sigmatech Tatakarsa

  • Office

    Jl. Pengadegan Barat No. 2 Jakarta 12770, Indonesia

  • Telephone

    62.21.7919 0954 – 55

  • E-mail


Board of Management

  • President Director

    Ir. Setyo Triyono, S.T., Aut.HAEI, ACPE, P.H.Eng.

  • Directors

    Dr. Ir. Ery Djunaedy, S.T., M.Sc., GP, CPMP.
    Ir. Marius Anabon Putra Setitit, S.T., IPM, ACPE.
    Ir. Rusli Bayhaqqy, S.T., IPM.
    Bambang Sri Sugiarto

  • Commissioner

    Ir. Priyanto Hadi Sasono, S.T., IPM, ACPE.

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